“ 君の字は正統派じゃない、だけどそれが良いんだよ”


" The letter which you write is not orthodox, however, the individuality is good "

The teacher of the childfood said to me.

When I was a child, I have a classmate who coud write the beautiful character like adult in shodo.
I had been always writing the character that seemed to protrude flom standard size Japanese paper.
But teacher praised it with warm character, so japanese calligraphy world accepted such me.
The memory very greatly influences present me.

I produce it mainly on an abstract work and an original letter.
I accept the other orders, please feel free to ask me.

山田しおり 書道家 墨象作家

2015 年 現代の日本の書道界において最も尖鋭的な創作活動を行っている書道団体、奎星会主催の奎星展にて、第64 回 奎星展 前衛書部 初出品で特選受賞

2018 年 1667 年、ルイ14 世の提言により創設された世界最古の公募展 ル・サロンにて第228 回 初出品で入選

2021 年 Art point bis in Ginza Group Exhibition

2019 年、2022 年 Galarie Linda Farrell in Paris Group Exhibition
