What Lies Beyond the Line
Calligraphy is the act of “drawing lines” with a brush.
However, for me, a line is more than just a shape. They are the traces of life that are born as I breathe, and they are an expression that holds infinite possibilities.
While pursuing beautiful lines, I value “ intentionally not aiming”. The moment when coincidence and inevitability intersect, which is created by letting the brush run as one pleases, without intentionally aiming by mastering the technique through training. It is in these moments, I believe, that true beauty resides.
No matter how many thousands of times one strokes the brush, the same line will never be created again. Therein lies the fragility and preciousness of calligraphy, and the completion of a unique work of art. The lines I draw, while based on tradition, are in dialogue with my own sensibility and speak quietly to me as art that exists only in the present moment.
Lines that resonate with the people who see them.
I continue to pursue that beauty.
I hope that the stroke that reaches you will transcend time and space and gently touch your heart...


Born from Lines - Shapes
At the core of my work are “lines” and “letters.”
As a calligrapher, I draw lines to reveal shapes that emerge uniquely. Letters, beyond communication, hold sound and space. By refining each stroke and eliminating excess, shapes appear naturally, transcending intention, where beauty resides.

山田しおり 書道家 墨象作家
2015 年 現代の日本の書道界において最も尖鋭的な創作活動を行っている書道団体、奎星会主催の奎星展にて、第64 回 奎星展 前衛書部 初出品で特選受賞
2018 年 1667 年、ルイ14 世の提言により創設された世界最古の公募展 ル・サロンにて第228 回 初出品で入選
2021 年 Art point bis in Ginza Group Exhibition
2019 年、2022 年 Galarie Linda Farrell in Paris Group Exhibition